'I long to understand in some degree Thy truth, which my heart believes and loves. For I do not seek to understand that I may believe, but believe in order to understand' St Anselm of Canterbury 1033-1109

The existence of God cannot be proved but the apologetic should demonstrate that there is nothing more logic than explaining God. The more you think, the more you explore, the clearer God will become to the free and open mind. MCMLV







This is Torque Talk


The Sovereignity of God 

                                                     What I need to know




                     The words printed here are concepts.                                                                         You must go through the experiences.


Email Correspondence on the Website www.torquetalk.nl

Between a Sceptic and a Christian about the Reality of God
in the book;


A Lemoncode Sceptic and Orange Answers

Author: Tertius H J Venter


So what do you believe and why? The first email and the first

question that lead to intense conversations about the reality and

the existence of God. 

‘An unrest in my heart, not really’ was an early response. Religion

can be so dangerous and can so easily draw people onto false

roads. Further questions and arguments followed: Why faith and

what does the word ‘faith’ mean?  Why would God will not allow

humans to see Him or prove His existence? If God is omni-potent

and omni-benevolent, a loving God, and if He does exist, why then

a place like hell? Stark reactions oftenfollowed; ‘It seems like

denial and ignorance are fuelling your faith’.

Eternity, creation and science were touched. Michael Heller agreed

with Einstein, ‘It seems obvious that science just reads the mind

of God’. Man is brain and heart and to deny either, makes one

less than a complete human being. Metaphysics teaches us that

even in the physical world reality is often not what can be observed

by our senses. What would the implications of such knowledge


And a quote from Carl Sagan ‘Absence of evidence is not evidence

of absence’.  How important is witness and circumstantial evidence?

How can I trust something or Someone before I can believe it


There is nothing simple and easy about true Christianity but

the truth of Christianity is simple.




See the book on the web

Do New Age Sceptics have the Answers? A book arguing these questions.


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