Five Minutes after Death

The search for meaning/purpose in life is ultimately a useless exercise in a blind pitiless indifferent material world - if there is nothing outside the human brain. Molecules alone = no meaning

Five Minutes

The more you love someone the more power you give that person to hurt you. God loves us infinitely. Believe Him, trust Him.

Where Will I be Five Minutes after my Death?

We all believe.

We either believe that there is a personal God or we merely believe that there might be ‘someone/thing’, a vague ‘godlike-being’, somewhere, who created the universe but we do not believe in a personal God. Or we may believe in many gods or that there is no God. We either believe Jesus Christ is the Son of God,  who was risen from the dead or we believe that He was a mere historical man Who lived 2000 years ago or that He is a legendary figure, a myth that never really existed. We believe there is life after death or we believe there is no life after death.


The fact is that we all believe something. If we exist, we believe.


Does it matter what we believe?


Once we pass through death’s door, our eternal destiny is forever sealed; it, therefore, matters what we believe.


If there is no God, no Creator, no Being behind it all, then it's fine. We’ll all be dead like dogs. But if there is even a one in a million chance that there is a God, we might find ourselves in a real frightful situation with serious eternal consequences. It’s worth making sure.


People say the post-modern man thinks for himself, works things out for himself, explains what is on a scientific basis, explains human behavior on grounds of human psychology, and human genetics. That religion is for people who do not think but follow doctrine and have faith in theological ideas and thereby partially shifting the responsibility for his actions and the world to ‘something’ outside of himself instead of accepting complete responsibly and do something about it. Some believe that God did not create man, but man created a god to explain himself, to have something outside of himself to explain the unexplainable instead of looking and finding concrete answers. Opium to remove or smooth reality, to find comfort in.

                              But  'A true opium of the people is a belief in nothingness after death - the huge  solace of thinking that  we will not be judged'

Czeslaw Milosc


During the Middle Ages, almost everything was explained in terms of God. As knowledge of science and other fields of study and research increased and, eventually, with the explosion of new knowledge and newly discovered facts, it resulted in a dramatic drift away from God.  People could now explain phenomena and for many, there was no need for God. And that is exactly where many of today’s people and modern thinkers got stuck – a few hundred years behind in time, in their thinking. They still think that if you can explain a phenomenon you can explain God away.

When Newton discovered gravity, he did not say 'Now I don't need God' No, he honoured God for understanding more of how God created the world.

The fact is that the more knowledge becomes available about the universe, atoms, DNA, and the like, the more difficult it becomes to argue against Intelligent Design behind it all. The chances that the universe, and the earth and all in it, could develop without a ‘Planner’ behind it looks more and more unreasonable to believe.


To name but one notion that man thought he could explain God away is evolution. With all the research and all the knowledge and archeological evidence available, there is no concrete evidence whatsoever that one species could or did evolve into another let alone families of species as the evolutionists want us to believe – fish into amphibians, then into birds and reptiles, into animals and into different species of animals, mammals and eventually into man.  (macro-evolution).

There is simply no scientific evidence that one species did or could have the potential to evolve into another species. It is a significant and fundamental problem for evolutionists and they can only speculate about it at this stage.

A further problem is, if one would think carefully about it, that one might find it difficult to ignore; if, for instance, the human eye (or any other organ of any animal/insect), that developed over millions of years into the present organ. Evolutionists explain that this happened through multiple unplanned and unguided minor DNA mutations, repeated mutations (natural selection) over millions of years, uncountable individual random mutations until an eye was formed. The obvious question is; without the final product in anybody's mind and no guidance of the mutations over the millions of years, how could it arrive at such an amazing perfect organ?  How could those first mutations 'know' that they should mutate towards an eye that would fully form millions of years later and be essential for that organism’s survival? How did those mutations in that primitive organism know, that they were part of millions of years and would evolve into a complicated present-day eye or any other organ in birds, animals or humans?  To me it sounds somewhat ridiculous unless there was ‘something’ behind it that could guide, or pre-plan the process, ‘something’ intelligent Who could see the end result that was needed. Not even to mention the position of where the eye should have developed for optimum vision and the position and the relationship of the two eyes to each other to enable the organism to perceive depth and distance, in perfect symmetry. The evolutionists want us to believe that it happened through millions of unguided minuscule mutations over millions of years resulting in the organs of our bodies so complicated that with all our knowledge of today, we only realize now how little we know and understand of the anatomy and physiology. What would the best explanation be; blind unguided natural selection through millions of mutations or a guided pre-planned series of mutations through natural selection?


If we think we can argue God away by scientific discoveries we are really caught up in post-Middle Age thinking and far from modern thinking.


It is not than man can’t believe. It is because man will not believe. And 5 minutes after our death we will know but that will be the point of no return.


Science is about God and God is about science. However, my relationship with Him, my faith in Him, my trust of Him  and where I will spend eternity can never be dependent on scientific facts. The knowledge of facts will forever change. Knowing Him personally, or not knowing Him, will determine my eternal destiny.


‘But for that very reason I  was shown mercy so that in me, ….. , Jesus Christ might display unlimited patience as an example for those who would believe on Him and receive eternal life.’ I Timothy 1:16


How can I leave this decision to chance? I live for a mere 70 or 80 years on this earth but will be dead for eternity. Where will I spend eternity? I owe it to myself to know. And we can have absolute certainty by examining the facts


God exists whether or not men may choose to believe in Him.

The reason why many people do not believe in God is not so much that it is intellectually impossible to believe in God, but because belief in God forces that thoughtful person to face the fact that he is accountable to such a God.

Robert A Laidlaw

John 3: 15-18  15  ‘that everyone who believes in Him (Christ) may have eternal life. 16 For God so loved the world that He gave His One and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life.  17 For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through Him. 18 Whoever believes in Him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because He has not believed in the Name of God's one and only Son.'