Why Uncomfortable Talking about God

'The radical change that took place in my heart was not from a rational decision but in response to an overwhelming Love that became rational'

Tertius Venter


Hurt however intense can never overshadow beauty that is captured in love.

Why would I feel Uncomfortable


when People talk to Me about God?

If someone would talk to me about the newest cars, a specific model, on the market and I have no interest in cars, it might, at the most, irritate me and I might wish he would change the subject or talk to someone else. And if he would then talk to someone else but I can still hear the conversation, I would simply be too happy not to be part of the conversation and that is it.

But maybe not so when someone talks to me about God and specifically if he talks about a personal relationship with God and sin. Then it might not be so easy to simply write it off. If I am not a believer, can I discuss God, Christ, the cross, and sin with a believer and be at ease with my feelings and emotions while discussing it, even if it is just for interest's sake to see why people would believe?

When I see Christians praying on television, do I feel an uneasiness inside me unlike when I see the newest car on television and simply have no interest in it?

Why the difference? The difference is that cars are cars; man-made things that one might have an interest in or not. But God is about the core of our being, of our very existence. If He did not exist and was simply a subject, a man-made idea, it would not touch my inner emotions. But because He is, because He is ‘I AM WHO I AM’ (Exodus 3:14), the Creator of the universe, the Creator of my heart, He will stir my heart when I become aware of Him, when I'm reminded of Him. He created me to be in a personal relationship with Him and outside of this relationship I cannot be at ease when I am reminded of Him.

God made us, the people of this world, for Himself, for a personal relationship with Him Isaiah 43: 21-25. ‘ ‘the people that I formed for Myself … I, even I, am He Who blots out your transgressions, for My own sake, and remember your sins no more’ 

He created in us an emptiness that only He can fill. When people talk about God and the conversation gets too close to my heart and I get more and more uncomfortable, it may be for two specific reasons. Firstly, I feel anew and become aware of the uncomfortable emptiness in my heart and secondly because God is so holy that unconsciously I become so aware of my unholiness, the wrong in my life, that I would be more comfortable when I get away from Him. All I want to do is not to think or talk about God and sin. Just be me without God and I will be comfortable again not being reminded of God.

If there is no God, why any uneasiness?  Or is it perhaps the reality of God that upsets me, He Himself touching my inner being?

'May the LORD  direct your hearts  into God's love'  II Thessalonians 3:5 'neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our LORD'

Romans 8:39


When we seek this love with all our hearts we will find the reality of the indescribable and incredible God.

“Thou hast made us for Thyself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it finds its rest in thee.”

St Augustine